The systemic solution-oriented consultation aims to create opportunities for change, to enable people to make new connections for themselves between events, ideas and choices in their lives.
Systemic therapists are meant to be non-judgmental and impartial in their approach taking into account social issues such as age, gender, class, sexuality, race, ethics and religion. Together with the client, the emergence of the situation is explored (for understanding relieves), accompanied by all associated emotions. Then the ground is set for internal search processes, and intending to reveal what is already there anyway: skills, abilities, intentions, fantasies, and the entire action potential for a self-determined development. As a result we might re-examine how we respond, behave and adjust, and practice alternatives.
One of the biggest advantage of systemic therapy: You can work on family issues even without family members having to be there. Families might be nuclear, extended, co-habiting, lone parent, separated, blended or substitute.